Account Balance Template Email

We want to be able to send through the client card and email direct to a patient where you can populate it with their account balance and Loyalty reward points balance. We have 30 patients in a membership all who have their own balances and every month we are meant to send them a monthly balance so they know how much they have to spend. Having to do this manually is really time consuming and if it was set up to do through a template on Pabau would be amazing. Thanks

I agree this would be a really good tool to have, (especially as a merge tag) however we are still having issues on the account balances showing what the Pabau team call ‘visual errors’. The account balances are affected by a bug in the CRM which is increasing / decreasing balances without input / reason. This has so far affected over 100 of our clients files with account balances. I would like this issue to be rectified and not just on a individual basis each time a client file is highlighted to Pabau before feeling confident to use an Account Balance merge tag.

This has started happening to us this week as well so i agree it needs fixed asap.

Hi team,

Thanks for the feedback.
It’s a very good suggestion and it has been passed on.

I agree with this - or an option to view their points in Connect App online