Adding Log Email & Log Chat options to the Create Menu

Is it possible to have new elements added to the CREATE menu in Pabau?
At our clinic we have a lot of client contact via Outlook email - we need a place in Pabau where we can copy these email trails into Pabau so we can keep track on the correspondence with patients made OUTSIDE of Pabau. This is a common issue, as all new enquiries come via our info@ Outlook email address, or via our Facebook / Instagram Chats.

It would be extremely useful to have a dedicated area where we can copy these types of correspondence to keep for our records.

In the CREATE panel on the right-hand side of the PATIENT RECORD, there is the option to create a “log call”.

Is it possible for an additional item to be created in that menu called “Log External Email” so that we can “LOG External EMAIL” in the same way we “Log Call” - that way, when we copy external emails into it, they will be labelled (External) EMAIL in the Communications, as Calls currently are labelled “Call”. By the same token, if a “LOG CHAT” option could also be added, that would be even better!

I hope this is clear and that something can be done. I have been emailing with Kiril who said it was a good idea :slight_smile:
Many thanks

Hi sara1 and welcome to the community.

Thank you for your suggestion. I will let our team know about this request.

Kind regards,