Birthday Mailer Configuration

A few things it would be great to be able to do with the birthday mailer:

  • Ability to make changes in the birthday voucher template. Currently, it states it must be printed. It also has a T’s and C’s heading but no content underneath and nowhere to define any T’s and C’s.
  • Ability to offer a % discount voucher rather than just £ value gift voucher
  • Ability to click the voucher link in the email. When using the [BDAYVOUCHER] merge tag it adds a long URL into the email which is not clickable. This should be clickable by default.
  • Ability for the voucher code to be added straight into the email rather than the URL to view the voucher. E.g. Use code: 12345678
  • Option to send end once a month for all birthdays that month (support to a previous suggestion)


Thanks for your improvement suggestions.
Regarding the point below, I advise you to include the merge tag as a hyperlink to a button, or text - please feel free to contact our support team for more information.
Ability to click the voucher link in the email. When using the [BDAYVOUCHER] merge tag it adds a long URL into the email which is not clickable. This should be clickable by default.


Hi Viktor

Ok thanks for the info.

So should I add the text ‘View Your Voucher’, add a link, and in the hyperlink field put [BDAYVOUCHER]


Hi. You are welcome.

Yes, that’s correct. :slight_smile:

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