Have multiples bookings portal URL for one account

Actually, we can’t have a second booking (or multiple booking) portal URL on Pabau with the same account. It would be great to have different URL redirection in function of the booking category.

It will help a lot for clinic with different specialities :

  • You could have booking URL depend on health category, so you can adress a specific message on your redirect URL.
  • You could have specific booking funnel and improve the patient journey when they booked online.
  • You could track better where patient come from (facebook, google) with and specific booking portal for your acquisition.

Hope it will take in account for Pabau 2 !

Hi Thomas.

Welcome to the community!
Regarding your feedback, it is already possible in Pabau, through the widget URL builder, which allows for preselecting a location, service, employee, and more. All you would need to do is to create a landing page on your website and connect it with a custom made Pabau URL through the widget URL builder. I advise you to contact our support team, should you need further clarification.

Regarding the comment below, custom messaging will have to be done on the landing page of your website, before a client clicks on the button that would redirect to the Pabau Portal:

You could have booking URL depend on health category, so you can adress a specific message on your redirect URL.

Hi Victor,

It’s possible to have a custom URL right,but the custom URL is no longer available for appointment confirmation or account creation. Currently we have 2 separate websites and we can only redirect to one URL. (See the screenshot below). On the first screen we have a custom URL, but we lose the custom URL on the second screenshot.

And on the settings we have just one redirect URL
Capture d’écran 2023-03-29 à 10.12.53

So we can have a different URL until a certain step.
And I didn’t find where to connect multiple landing page to custom URL ?

I reach the support and they told me it’s not possible and to post a feedback here :slight_smile: