Pabau 2 Product Update - 10 September 2024 - 16 September 2024

:speech_balloon: Improvements to existing features

  1. Subscription expiry message

We’ve added a new warning message on your home page to notify you when your Pabau subscription is nearing expiration. The message will appear 5 days before the expiration date and count down each day.

If you see this message, please update your direct debit details and renew your subscription to stay active.


  1. Improved package widget design

    We’ve improved the design of the package widget, which can be added to your website to display the packages from your account and allow clients to quickly purchase them.

  2. Labs page is now searchable

The Labs page now includes a search bar, allowing you to easily find lab requests and results by client name.

  1. Reports - warning message added for unsaved changes

    We’ve added a popup warning to alert you if you attempt to leave a report page without saving your changes by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button. This ensures that your work isn’t unintentionally lost.

:rocket: Feature development updates

Additionally, this week we’ve worked on the following new features (which are currently still under development):

  • Memberships
  • Chargebacks and disputes
  • API integration and marketplace
  • Timesheets and Wages
  • Payroll
  • Commissions
  • AI into Treatment Notes
  • Point of Sale in the Pabau iOS app
  • Cancellation policy
  • Payment policy and payment on booking
  • Self-pay as a payment method

:gear: Improvements being worked on

  1. Enhanced design for the notification section in the appointment booking menu

We are updating the design of the notification section in the appointment booking menu by adding tiles with icons and tooltips for client notifications, including confirmations, reminders, precares, and feedback and payment requests.

  1. Improved visibility of shift notes

Shift notes will be easier to manage, thanks to a new note icon. So far, notes have only been visible in the Day view of the calendar, when there are only a few staff members. The new note icon saves space and ensures notes are always accessible, even in clinics with larger teams.

  1. Yearly subscription option

We’re adding an option on the Subscription page that allows you to upgrade to a yearly subscription on any plan.

  1. Edit appointment menu in Month view

Editing appointments is not currently possible in the Month view of the calendar. With this update, you’ll be able to edit appointments just as you can in the Day or Week view.

  1. Partial payments through card terminals

Currently, the Pabau Pay card terminals only accept full payments. With this improvement, you will be able to input the amount you wish to charge and generate part-paid invoices.

Are you interested in learning more about these new functionalities or just need help? Get instant support and access free resources available 24/7 via Support Centre - Pabau

Let’s continue to smash those business goals together! :muscle:

Best regards,
Product Marketing Manager
