Improvements to existing features
- Improved empty state of the Loyalty screen
Improvements have been made to the design of empty state screen for loyalty - The ‘Create new Campaign’ button is not overflowing the page
- Issue with credit note fixed
Credit notes - the original invoice amount is kept after creating a Credit Note.
- Improved reminder advance notice setting
For reminder client notifications, ‘Days’ and ‘Time’ fields have been implemented in place of the old Reminder advance notice settings. You are now able to choose from a range of days from (1 to 14 days) and choose a specific time.
- It is possible to unfavorite medications
Staff members can now un-favorite medications, and keep their list of favorite medications up to date.
Feature development updates
- Wallet and payment terminals
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- You are now able to see the monthly total amount in the wallet > Month view including refunds
- Terminals: Clients can now see if they have connect Stripe Standard or Express
- Memberships project
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- Payment inside Pabau with memberships is being tested
- Cancellation policy
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- Cancellation of appointment via Connect is ready for testing
- A task is being worked on to prevent fraudulent behavior by clients while the no-show/cancellation policy feature is active
- Chargebacks and disputes
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- Dispute details design is being implemented and tested
- Payout details - Stripe data in Pabau
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- We improved click throughs on Payout details
- Payment policy
This week’s updates related to this project are:
- Clients are able to part pay invoices via Connect > Client Portal now