Pabau 2 Product Update - 29 April 2024 - 06 May 2024

:speech_balloon: Improvements to existing features

  1. System improvements
  • Speed improvements of Pabau were made, specifically on the components such as the scheduler, business details, and calendar.
  1. Allergies merge tags in medical forms
  • The merge tags that populate the allergy information from the client card are now implemented when printing medical forms. If a client has multiple allergies added, when a Staff Member clicks on Print on the Medical Form, we’ll display them in the order in which they were added and separated with commas into the PDF.
  1. Multiple booked appointments are now linked with the same invoice
  • When multiple appointments are booked at the same time, and all of them have a full payment take, not all of them are linked with the same invoice under the calendar on the web.
  1. In day view on Calendar Working today has been improved to only select Employees without a full day blockout
  • In cases where a blockout has been assigned to the staff member in the calendar, that particular staff member won’t appear by default in the day view of the diary. This enables the staff members who are interacting with the calendar to view only staff members who are available or are working on that particular day.
  1. We improved the “Copy previous” button in Treatment notes
  • This function significantly saves time for practitioners who need to populate the data for the client in the same (or a similar fashion) as how the treatment form has been completed in the past about that client. In order for the ‘Copy previous’ button to appear in a certain treatment form, that same treatment form needs to be filled in at least once in that client card in the past.
  1. We improved Groups in Services and Products
  • Services and products that belong to groups will be displayed under their respective group, while the ones that do not belong to a group will be displayed under the ‘Ungrouped’ tab. If no groups are created for services or products, a prompt is shown around the benefits of creating groups.
  1. Client Card improvements
  • The client card now opens in a new tab from every part of the system via the Expand icon. That means that if the Expand icon is clicked, it will open Client Card or Lead Card in a new Tab.
  1. Report improvements
  • We have introduced a help tooltip to the Team and EOD reports. The tooltip includes the information icon, as well as the print and run functions, as well as a sidebar explainer that explains each of the fields in the EOD report.
  1. We have introduced an auto email popup for unpaid invoices
  • If the invoice is ‘Unpaid’, then when reaching this final screen - automatically, the send invoice modal will appear. On top of the function to send the unpaid invoice via email to the client (the email gets pulled from the client card), a banner also pops up, depending on the outstanding amount.
  1. We have improved the visual appearance of the header on mobile and tablet devices
  • Regarding the improvement of usability and UX, we’ve improved the visual appearance of the header, i.e., the way the header appears on the top of the screen once Pabau is loaded on a mobile and tablet device.

:rocket: Feature development updates

  1. Wallet and payment terminals
  • UI improvements to the terminals page & logo. This involves implementing a banner on the left-hand side of the wallet (when opened) which reminds the user to register their card terminal. The banner in the wallet is removed when at least 1 terminal has been registered.
  • Bank account has been added to the Wallet feature. Under the wallet, bank accounts can be viewed, managed (edited and deleted) and new ones can be added. When adding a new bank account, all the fields are empty, and the staff member should enter the Bank name, routing number, account number, and cardholder name. Under this section there is also the option to upload documents.
  • Payouts overview has been added. As part of the payout section in the wallet, we’ve implemented a small info button to the right of ‘available to payout’, and upon being clicked it shows the total balance, available to be paid out, and pending transactions.

Are you interested in learning more about these new functionalities or just need help? Get instant support and access free resources available 24/7 via Support Centre - Pabau

Let’s continue to smash those business goals together! :muscle:

Best regards,
Product Marketing Manager


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