Print Client Appointments

There is the facility to print a client appointment schedule on Pabau 1, can we please have this option on Pabau 2. Why has this been removed!?

Hi @Shona

If you refer to print the schedule of all clients that should have appointments for the day, you can do that via the Print button in the calendar.

Kind regards,

Hi Viktor

Our clients have multiple appointment dates, I would like to print these on one document. This can be done on Pabau 1, why not on Pabau2??

Hi Shona.

I would advise printing the appointment by running an appointment report and find, export, and print all the appointments of a client, or appointments within a date range, and with as many columns as you want, organized by appointment date, by service and many more.

It’s a more flexible way than the appointment export from the client card. You can create it as a custom report once, bookmark it in your web browser, and then just change the client’s name.

Feel free to contact a support team member, for more info.