Reschedule appointments easier

It would be great if we can have a less clunky process for rescheduling appointments, when we drag & drop to another week, it doesn’t always get the time right so the client ends up getting two reschedule emails. If we could have the date field on the appointment card as well as the time field that would work perfectly! Also the drag & drop function only works within the month, it would be good to be able to move it to another month as we often experience with some of our clients.

Hi Krystyna.

Thank you for your feedback.
In the current calendar, you can reschedule in two ways:

  • Drag and drop;
  • From the appointment’s context menu (in the popup which appears when you click on the appointment).

Drag and drop is used to reschedule an appointment in the same day (or days of the week, when in week view), whereas the other option is used to reschedule appointments between days.

Regardless of the approach you choose, there is a popup which requires confirmation that you want to reschedule the appoontment.

Please do contact our support team if you need more information.

Agreed. Also importantly is sending reschedule emails to the client if they reschedule their appointment and also notifying us as a clinic when a client has rescheduled an appointment. Currently the facility only send a new appointment to the clinic so it appears the client has two new appointments and not one rescheduled one. This is such a basic function and I am suprised and extremely disappointed that this simple basic function isn’t available! Also if you reschedule a client via the app there it does not send them a rescheduling confirmation. We have dozens of clients asking if their reschedule is confirmed as the received no confirmation!! I’ll post this as a thread suggestion of its own aswell but please do vote.

It’s absolutely crazy how clunky Pabau can be, when they sold themselves to us as a system that does all and more. It does all and more, but at the price of polish. It doesn’t have any.