Why can't I format the alignment of the paragraphs when writing emails?

Microsoft word had that functionality when it released back in 1983. Why is it that now in 2023 we don’t have the buttons that will allow me to decide if I want to have the page aligned to the left, right or centred on the emails you can send directly from the client cards? I don’t understand that. If II copy and paste something into an email template everything gets centred and out of format. That’s crazy. Is nobody else missing this?


Thank you for the feedback.
Aside from writing emails manually, the send email feature enables you to use pre-made templates from the template archive. Create email templates from the template archive, which you can format to your liking, and add merge tags to them. This will allow you to simply send personalized emails to clients in a few clicks.

Do note that we have also worked on improving the process of writing email content manually, from the client card:

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